BicomPBX Integration

  • Created :Mon,12,2023
  • Last Updated:Mon,04,2024

In order to enable integration with Bicom PBXware go to Integration -> Billing Gateway -> Bicom PBXware




Gateway Title

Unique Gateway Title

IP address

IP address of gateway.


Timezone of gateway.

Billing TimeZone

Billing TimeZone is the Timezone in which you want to bill your customer. 

Authentication Rule

Authentication Rule based on which system will map accounts between Neon and your gateway

CDR ReRate

 If you want to rate CDRs in Neon set this to ON.

Rate Format : 

CDR rate format. Prefix based OR Charge Code

CLI Translation Rule 

You can use this to modify CLI.  You can type regular expression here e.g. if you want to remove 0330  from the start of CLI  type this  /^0330//

CLD Translation Rule

You can use this to modify CLD.  You can type regular expression here e.g. if you want to remove 0330  from the start of CLD  type this  /^0330//


Bicom PBXware API URL

API License Key

Bicom PBXware API License Key


Setup Cron Job to import CDRs 

  1. Go to Cron Job page in NEON > Add New
  2. Select type “Download Bicom PBXware CDR”
  3. Add all the details and click on Save


Import Accounts from Bicom PBXware

  1. Go to Accounts ->Action->Import->select gateway->Next
  2. Select the accounts you want to import and click on Import button

Import Extensions from Bicom PBXware

  1. Go to Cron Job page in NEON > Add New
  2. Select type “Download Bicom PBXware CDR”
  3. Add all the details and click on Save