• Created :Fri,10,2017
  • Last Updated:Mon,04,2024

Go to Microsoft azure and follow below steps

 Go to Azure Active Directory / Microsoft Entra ID




 Go to App Registration



 Click on New Registration button



 Fill the form as shown in screenshot and click on Register



 Copy Redirect URL from your Neon domain -> integration-> email-> office365 for redirect_url







 Click on Client Credentials (certificate, secret)



 Click on New Client Secret -> Fill the form and click on Add




 Then copy secret key value and keep it safe with you, it can be copy only this time, next time it will not be visible nor it can be copy



 Now click on API permission in the left side menu

 Click on add a permission -> Microsoft Graph -> Delegated permission







 Now search “mail” and select all 8 mail permission and click on “Add permission” button.



 Click on Grant admin consent button and then click on Yes



 Now copy tenant id and client id



 Now go to Neon (your domain)

 Settings -> Email Settings



 Select Office365 Business in Mailer Type drop-down





 Add client id, tenant id and client secret copied from azure, check status checkbox and click on save button




 After saving click on Authorize button



 It will redirect you to Microsoft website where you will be asked to allow permission

 Click on Accept button




That’s done, Email should be work now. You can test it by entering any valid email in “Send test Mail To” text box and then click on “Test Mail Settings



Click on the Company icon in the left page menu.


Please Scroll down and check Mail Settings at the bottom, select Email Account from drop-down menu, scroll up and click on save button.